Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is the Moon Tired? by: Christina Rossetti

Is the moon tired? she looks so pale
Within her misty veil:
she scales the sky from east to west,
And takes no rest.

Before the coming of the night
The moon shows papery  white;
Before the dawning of the day
She fades away.


  1. It rhymes a lot. Personifacation because it talks about the moon being tired.(Hunter M. Jon Paul A. Pavelka's HR)

  2. yes there was rhyme in the first satnza in every line,well it only talks about the moon,what we liked about it because, they said the moon never takes a rest and its very pale(kaity m.-khelben g.-pavelka homeroom)

  3. We heard alot of personifacation and we could hear the rhymes in the poem .The poem was very short compareing to regualr poems ......because the moon was tired and it says its very pale (Rebecca s. and Sarah A. Mrs.Burns HM)

  4. There was alot of personifacation because the peot talk about the moon being tired.The peom rhymed.We liked the questions they were funny, and how they explained the moon ( Sydnee C. and Ashley V. Mrs. Burns hm).

  5. well i argee but i did't find it funny (khelben g. HR:pavelka)

  6. good lob of discribing the poem and try to work on u spelling its "poem not peom" but keep trying it was really good ;) :P :< :D ;B

  7. The poem rhymed and there was personifacation. We liked that it described the moon as if it was sick.(Miranda D.and Jesse T. Vadnais HR)

  8. Yes it does have a rhyme because weat and rest.I liked howwas as it said how white it was because it made me think of a ghost which is cool how it does that.(Kayla w. Mrs.Vadnais)

  9. the poem does have a rhyme because it had the words weat and rest in it.one part that i liked about it is that it talked about a goust(kristina r.,vadnias hr)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. this is for school. What is the theme of it?
