Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fog by: Carl Sandburg

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.


  1. There wasn't rhyme or rhythm, there is personification, and what we liked about the poem was what it meant. (Alexander F, Jacob S, Vadnais HR)

  2. There was no rhythm or ryhme. there was personification, and what we liked about the peom that it remind me of a stray cat.(Nolan,M, Carlos,T Vadnais HR)

  3. There was no rhyme or rythm.A fog is lurking around it figurative language was is at a cats feet and fog at a diffrent.It involved cats.
    mikal.r gedeon.n

  4. 2 metaphors, 1 personification, has no rhyme pattern we liked how it described fog. he did use figurative language to show how fog moves.
    (Perrin T. and Tad S. Mrs. Burns)

  5. there is no rhythem or rhyme,it shows that fog moves like a cat,what we liked most about it was that it tells where it lerks(kaity M.-stephanie R.-pavelka homeroom)

  6. this poem was awesome (jessica g. pavelka hr)

  7. we think that there is no rhyme in this poem no figurtive lanuage.ashlie g jessica g (pavelka hr)

  8. there was not a rhyme and it made sence and all, but i did not get the poem that much i could understand some of it but they did a good job over all (Cody L. Vadnias)

  9. I did like the poem there was not a rhime, but there was personification and I did like the poem alot I could realy see the cat and the fog and I LOVED it alot:)!!!!!!

    (Mekayla G.Vadnais HR)
